BCC Urban Studios
During the day, these spacious, luxuriously furnished and equipped 25 m² private studios offer the efficiency of a professional office. In the evening, they can be transformed into a cosy living room.
Les points forts
Les prestations principalesTo achieve this dual business and living-room atmosphere, the LED lighting has been designed with a dimmer to provide ambient lighting with a wide choice of colours.
Each studio is insulated for heat also a heat insulation.
Photovoltaic solar panels have been installed on the roof to produce clean electricity.
Each studio is built according to the stringent sound insulation requirements of the SIA 181 standards.
For this project, ERTE was not only an engineering office, but also a designer, architect and installer. In fact, it carried out these high-end rental studios from A to Z as a general contractor.
It combines in a single space the high-end services of a modern office, a luxury flat, a hotel and a coworking and coliving space without their drawbacks.
The BCC is an innovative concept, unique in Geneva, ideal for demanding people and urban nomads looking for a Live & Work All-in-one space. The style is resolutely modern, contemporary but nevertheless warm and cosy.
Inside, a subtle mix between a private Urban Studio ideal for Home-Office/Telework and a magnificent shared lounge.